About Me


I grew up in a home that loved babies. Our family fostered 100 infants throughout my childhood. Each child, each family, and each story were unique. I became enthralled with the idea of being a nurturer and what a gift it is to extend love to others in vulnerable situations. Using music to calm and soothe babies was something I loved doing growing up. These childhood experiences led me to pursue degrees in education and music. I received my bachelors degree from the Hartt School of Music in classical voice and music education. In order to further fuse my passions for children’s development and music, I then pursued a masters degree at Bankstreet College of Education. I chose pathways in Infant and Family Development, Early Childhood Special and General Education. It was there that I truly saw how integral family dynamics were in a child’s development; children don’t operate in isolation. I loved learning about each family's story and their cultural choices around parenting and child rearing. The idea of mothering and how it looks for different people always intrigued me and ultimately led me to pursue my postpartum doula certification. Through this work, I am humbled and honored to hear more stories, love more people, and continuously learn more about families and their babies. I can’t wait to learn your family’s story.
